The Canary Islands Spa Garden by David Cubero and James Wong

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9 May 2009 | 1 min read

Inspired by the rugged volcanic peaks and bizarre endangered flora of the Canary Island archipelago, this garden invites visitors to rediscover the forgotten face of this remote island chain.

The canary islands spa garden - cheslea 2009

This thoroughly modern garden is designed to be set within the collapsed crater of an extinct island volcano. At its heart lies a moated pavilion, which houses a thermal spa fed by naturally-heated spring water that rises up from deep within the crater.

The canary islands spa garden - chelsea flower show 2009

Here rough, black volcanic rock flanks sheets of thermal water, all surrounded by lush exotic planting. Cascades at the rear of the pavilion create an open-air spa shower, with a mineral jacuzzi lying sunken within the moat.

The canary islands spa garden - chelsea flower show 2009

Embracing local plants and materials, the garden aims to contrast hefty blocks of volcanic hard landscaping, with exuberant naturalistic vegetation - including several endangered island species that are found nowhere else on earth - to create an unashamedly escapist retreat as unexpected as the islands themselves.

The canary islands spa garden - chelsea flower show 2009

Plants list

You can read more about each plant by clicking the links below. Add any of these plants to you own 'Plants I want' list.

Adonidia sp.
Aechmea 'Romero'
Aeonium tabuliforme
Aeonium arboreum 'Atropurpureum' - NATIVE
Aeonium arboreum - NATIVE
Asplenium 'Osaka'
Calathea rufibarba
Dracaena 'Anita' (syn. Pleomele 'Anita')
Dracaena arborea
Dracaena draco - NATIVE
Echium candicans (syn. E. fastuosum) - NATIVE
Echium pininana - NATIVE
Echium webbii - NATIVE
Euphorbia mellifera - NATIVE
Ficus binnendijkii 'Amstel King'
Geranium maderense - NATIVE
Geranium palmatum - NATIVE
Kalanchoe beharensis
Kalanchoe thyrsiflora
Ophiopogon jaburan (syn. O. japonica)
Osmoxylon lineare
Pachypodium lamerei
Philodendron bipinnatidium (syn. P. selloum)
Philodendron xanadu
Schefflera arboricola
Senecio kleiniiformis - NATIVE
Vriesea 'Cathy'